
Electric cars on the move

The electric car is back! It's taken a while but the new electric cars are really interesting and especially the hybrids. The big problem has always been the charging issue, well, with a non-electric motor as a complement the hybrid cars more or less rid that problem. So, here are some links to more inspirational reading about the new and exciting electric cars:

Electric cars are taking charge (In English)
BILD testet das schnellste Elektro-Auto der Welt (In German)
Chryslers Antwort auf den Tesla Roadster (In German)
El primer deportivo eléctrico (In Spanish)
Svenskt-norskt "El-dorado" på gång (In Swedish)
Denne kjerra er ingen miljøsinke (In Norwegian)
Clooney's nye bil vandt designkonkurrence (In Danish)
Elektrische auto in schijnwerpers op autoshow Parijs (In Dutch)

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