

Jiffy Creation

A new tune is published on Ubetoo. Like Apéritif, this one is short but this one is not as jolly. Have a listen at Ubetoo at the following links:
Jiffy Creation

And here are some reading tips:
Facebook giver efter for proteststorm (in Danish)
Facebook rectifica y no se apropiará de los contenidos de los usuarios (in Spanish)
FotoATLAS, el mundo en imágenes (in Spanish)
Myspace startar svensk musiksajt (in Swedish)
Hela listan med house-förgreningarna (in Swedish)
Pirate-Bay-Prozess: Ankläger rudert zurück (in German)
YouTube will Geld mit Downloads verdienen (in German)


Have you heard of AudioMicro? If you haven't, take a look at www.audiomicro.com. It's a stock music site, similar to the stock images sites around. Venturebeat has a good article about it, AudioMicro lands funds for stock music, sounds, and you can also check out AudioMicro at MySpace and Facebook. And by the way, my little composition "Apéritif" can be listened to there. This little tune can also be listened to at Ubetoo which is also a really interesting site for the composer looking for exposure.


Apéritif and electric cars

Here's a little tune from me. It's just a short little melody but quite nice and worth listening to, but that's just my opinion of course. ;-) Here's the link: Apéritif

And so, a reading tip. I'm so excited about all the new electric cars and it's so nice to see that there are not just boring ugly cars being developed but also sporty nice looking ones. So, if you know spanish, read what La Vanguardia has to say in El glamour ya es verde.


Electric cars on the move

The electric car is back! It's taken a while but the new electric cars are really interesting and especially the hybrids. The big problem has always been the charging issue, well, with a non-electric motor as a complement the hybrid cars more or less rid that problem. So, here are some links to more inspirational reading about the new and exciting electric cars:

Electric cars are taking charge (In English)
BILD testet das schnellste Elektro-Auto der Welt (In German)
Chryslers Antwort auf den Tesla Roadster (In German)
El primer deportivo eléctrico (In Spanish)
Svenskt-norskt "El-dorado" på gång (In Swedish)
Denne kjerra er ingen miljøsinke (In Norwegian)
Clooney's nye bil vandt designkonkurrence (In Danish)
Elektrische auto in schijnwerpers op autoshow Parijs (In Dutch)